Fees and Refunds

Fees for the 2024-2025 Season

  • Boys in grades 3 - 4: $220
  • Boys in grade 5: $245
  • Boys in grades 6 - 8: $265
  • Boys in grades 9 - 12: $180
  • Girls in grades 3 - 4: $220
  • Girls in grades 5 - 6: $235
  • Girls in grades 7 - 12: $155

Please note that fees were realigned for this season, as we do every several years, to bring them back in line with cost per division (number of practices, number of games, number of officials/game, type of uniform). 

Further, there were league-wide across-the-board increases in cost:

  1. Our insurance policy has been updated and brought in line with youth sports programs. 
  2. Background checks for board members and head coaches are required as part of our new insurance policy.
  3. New uniforms/vendor resulted in a slight increase in uniform cost.

Refund Policy

A full refund will be granted if a properly registered player is withdrawn before the first time that division takes the court, be it for evaluations, skills and drills, open court time, and so forth.  If a player is withdrawn after the first court time, but before Basketfest, the refund will be 50% of the  registration fee.  No refund will be granted after Basketfest

Should a refund be necessary, please send an email to the AYB Registrar.